Friday, November 6, 2009

Cramps In Early Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms What Are The Difference Between AF Cramps And Early Pregnancy Cramps?

What are the difference between AF cramps and early pregnancy cramps? - cramps in early pregnancy more condition_symptoms

in 3 days too late for my AF and have been off cramps for about 4 days. My normal AF cramps are very intense and painful and last a day before the arrival, but it seems to come and go .. Has anyone else discovered this when they were PG?


  1. They have not been confirmed nor denied the possibility. But I have AF cramps, CD30 and I have these cramps that feel themselves fall on my abdomen, back and forth and I feel like AF is gonna protocol, but the way it's legs are different. Until today, not just AF cramps. AF should've arrived on Sunday but did not. I have a few symptoms, but others, I'm just waiting out there. I do not think that there is a difference or how to distinguish the two.

    ~ And I say the same thing

  2. I'm happy about six days too late for my AF. I also have known about off cramps. Especially after TMI (bd'ing sorry). I often have cramps the day of FA and are very angry and grief in a different region. But they only hurt my lower abdomen.

    With my first memory, convulsions, I thought I had, and he never did.

    Do you have a test? I expect that at least a week until the end. It may take a while for hormones gain.

    Good luck and baby powder
