Saturday, February 20, 2010

Show Aspiration Pneumonia Hiatus Hernia And Wheezy Cough?

Hiatus hernia and wheezy cough? - show aspiration pneumonia

I have a chronic cough that causes me a lot of wheezing. I have developed bronchiectasis but wheezing, since he was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. I can not stop coughing and I feel as if he swallowed a cup of powder, or passed through a sand storm. I take Nexium for reflux and the burning process still feel and taste awful. So now I am the aspiration, the use of antibiotics, some of which started to my doctor a few days ago, scared. I havent slept in 4 days I'm too scared to sleep in my bed elevated head.Should gastroscopy performed and show what the cause of all this wheezing and coughing

1 comment:

  1. This hernia of his cause of aspiration pneumonia, which seriously gastroscopy
    should be carried out immediately TravelSee into the esophagus and begin to undermine the fabric Nexxium help you in anything, there are other drugs Relux PPI
    avaliabe for reflux, such as your doctor provide know.Could a surgical approach
    the two problems that you know

    Good Luck
