Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pics Of Thrush In Men Oh Geez! Freaking Out!?

Oh geez! freaking out!? - pics of thrush in men

I'm so freakin out. My throat was a bit harsh and rude. I ate normally do not eat, everything that I am aware that you are allergic or new. Swallow, I had oatmeal for breakfast, a donut for lunch, and when I tried to eat spaghetti for dinner, could not eat 3 bites were not the 4th. I was gagged and spit it out. I was terrible. I looked in the mirror, and I have these weird white bumps on the back of my language in my throat. My mother told me it looked a bit like thrush, I was shocked when I looked online but all the pictures I've seen him on the front pages and the language of a time when a piece of evil in the Sung and brands. What do you think? Please thrush (and I hope God is not) then what? What should I do?


  1. It could be strep throat or neck pain, if your tonsils. You need to see a doctor or ER for a levy in order to examine and, if so, you need antibiotics. Do not leave it takes too long, can not eat or drink can be drained and the matter is not simple.

  2. It could be strep throat or neck pain, if your tonsils. You need to see a doctor or ER for a levy in order to examine and, if so, you need antibiotics. Do not leave it takes too long, can not eat or drink can be drained and the matter is not simple.

  3. Gargling with warm salt water until Mr.
    You have a sore throat.

  4. Sounds like an allergic reaction to something. Maybe there was something in the Spaghetti-Set It Off? Tell the doctor for what they understood that food and go out from there. But we really need in the emergency room.
